Created by Leanne Hughes and James Grimsey, this dark, theatrical concept was created by Arts 1 to promote wonderful Sixth Form performers. Featuring a trio of vocalists and a multitude of lifts, leaps, flips and turns, it had the showcase theatregoers on the edge of their seats!

Arts1 News: Move it 2019 - The Show Must Go On

The Arts1 showcase at Move It was simply sublime. The dancers – creepy clowns – were a vision in circus-inspired monochrome, with a striking colour-pop of red balloons which were popped to coincide with drumbeats. The theme, The Show Must Go Onby Queen, was appropriate in light of the magnificent portrayal of Freddie Mercury’s life in the recent biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody and demonstrated the limits to which dancers have to push themselves, almost to breaking point, to create perfection. This dark piece was brilliantly choreographed by Leanne Hughes, who always pushes the boundaries with her bold ideas. Clearly in a trance, lead dancer Benjy Stevens wore a genuine WWII gas mask, which was both shocking and disturbing, as he wrestled to remove it from his face.

It was incredible that the powerful and mature vocals delivered by Ella Jones-Seal, Max Thomas and Myles Waby were delivered by youngsters only 17 to 18 years old, such was the range of their voices but this is why vocal coach, James Grimsey is the best in the business!

A rigorous audition process had been held, the brief being to perform a short routine of a creepy clown exhibiting bold acting choices. The dance genre, my favourite style – jazz – displayed a huge amount of stamina and the best pas de deux work I’ve seen in a long time.

My only wish is that I could see this jaw-dropping, stylish, sophisticated and magnificent piece performed again – but this time, on the main stage, because this is where Arts1 deserves to be.

Nancy Stevens
Award-Winning Radio Presenter, Arts Influencer and Writer.


  • Anthony Draycott
  • Benjy Stevens
  • Daisy Ward
  • Ella Jones-Seal (singer)
  • Ellie Lamoon
  • Gwen Minton
  • James Evans
  • James Lorrimore
  • Joshua McMullan
  • Katie Rioch
  • Max Thomas (singer)
  • Millie Pepper
  • Myles Waby (singer)
  • Peter Barlow
  • Tia Skillman